Q. Is Phaco operation Painful ?
A. Absolutely Painless operation. We use Topical Anaesthesia – i.e. Anaesthetic eye drops are used. So there is no Pain of even an injection prick.
Q. How long does the operation take ?
A. The surgery takes about 15 mins. The whole process of Admission, Operation & Discharge takes less than 3 hours.
Q. How early can the patient see ?
A. As soon as the operation is over. With Topical Anaesthesia the surgery is a – No Injection, No pain, No stitch, No bleeding, No Eye pad, No Rest – Quick Recovery Surgery.
Q. How early can we get back to work / Kitchen/ lift weights / take a bath ?
A. The very same day.
Q. Are glasses required after Phaco surgery ?
A. Glasses are required for distance or near depending on what the surgeon / patient chooses ( more often for near). Glasses are prescribed within 1 to 2 weeks. Multifocal IOLs provide the option of reduced dependencs on glasses.
Q. How does Maturity of the Cataract and age of the patient influence results ?
A. Though we are quite comfortable performing Phaco on mature cataracts it is best not to wait till maturity. The harder the cataract (like the seed of a ripe mango) – the more difficult the surgery. Age of the patient is not a factor if the eye is otherwise healthy.
Q. Can Phaco be done if the other eye has undergone Microsurgery or if no IOL was implanted in at that time?
A. Yes, of course Phaco can be done if the other eye has undergone Microsurgery. After all an IOL is implanted in both situations – only Phaco has greater benefits. If no IOL was implanted earlier, a Secondary IOL implantation can be done now. Even otherwise, the quality of vision in one eye with a Phaco surgery is far superior to that of both eyes with thick glasses.