It is true that Phaco surgery is expensive compared to Extracapsular surgery (ECCE + IOL popularly known as Microsurgery) or SICS (Small incision Cataract surgery).
But a bit of objective analysis of the cost / benefit ratio will show that Phaco emerges as the wiser choice.
The expenses for a Topical Phaco Foldable IOL surgery at Nayan Eye Centre ranges from Rs. 19000/- to Rs. 1,22,000/- depending on whether a Monfocal Spherical IOL, a Toric IOL, a Multifocal (MF) IOL, an Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOL or a MF/ EDOF Toric IOL is required/ preferred. Patients are provided detailed Itemized (break Up) Bill to Facilitate Mediclaim.
Please note that we use only Foldable IOLs so that we can implant these through the smallest possible incisions.
Now, lets take a look at the advantages of Phaco over Extacapsular surgery. Normally, after a Extracapsular ( microsurgery ) operation the patient is not allowed to wet his eyes, lift weights, stoop, lie prone, or rub his eyes for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. This is in light of the fact that the wound is insecure because of stitches which can give way and as long as the wound remains insecure risk of infection remains. Since the wound stabilises in 6 weeks – glasses are prescribed after 6 weeks. In our Topical Phaco Folable IOL Surgery the wound is so small and so constructed that it is secure as soon as the operation is over. Thus there are no physical restrictions – the patient can be up and about as soon as the operation is over and get back to office/ kitchen/ business the very same day. Patients can take a bath the next day. Glasses are most often prescribed within 3 weeks.
If we were to calculate the number of man-hours lost in the six weeks following a microsurgery for the patient and relatives and the risk of infection that is involved it will be obvious that the balance tilts heavily in favour of Phaco despite the slightly higher expenses.
The economy packages are now well within the reach of middle and lower middle class. Planning ahead of times and taking an insurance policy like Mediclaim etc can be invaluable in view of the soaring medical expenses.
This method of Cataract removal is the best available today. It has long proven its merits and has become a well-established procedure all over the world.