Nayan Eye Centre

Nayan Eye Centre

Pvt. Ltd.

Enhancing Vision ..... Enriching Lives

Comprehensive & Personalized Eye Care

46 B Garcha Road. Kolkata 700019.
Enter Garcha Road Opp. MUKTI WORLD - TANISHQ.
Keep Gariahat Tram Depot to your left.
(Garcha Road is one traffic signal south of Ballygunge Phari)
Ph: 9830159838 (9 AM to 6 PM, Mon to Sat)​

Nayan Eye Centre Pvt. Ltd. / Enhancing Vision ..... Enriching Lives / Comprehensive & Personalized Eye Care

intraocular lens choices

IOL Choices

  A wide variety of Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) are available depending on the material, optical quality, designs & functions.

  Foldable IOLs can be inserted through incisions less than half the size required for Rigid IOLs.

  Single Piece IOLs can be implanted through smaller incisions than required for Multipiece IOLs. Square edge IOL design has the ability to prevent posterior capsule opacification.

  Hydrophobic Acrylic IOLs are superior to hydrophilic ones.

   Aspheric IOL designs provide better Contrast sensitivity and sharper images leading to shorter reaction times during night driving.

   Toric IOLs can neutralize preexisting cylindrical powers & provide better spectacle free vision.

   Monofocal IOLs can provide sharp vision for either distance or near. Spectacles are required for the other. Multifocal IOLs can provide  distance & near vision and reduce spectacle dependence but some patients complain of decreased brightness & contrast and haloes around lights. Our Doctors & Counselors discuss with the patient their Occupational & Lifestyle needs and make appropriate recommendations.

This page is meant to serve as a guideline to could get more details when you speak to our Doctors & Counselors.